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Glaucoma Services:

•Glaucoma Diagnostics

•Laser Treatments


Retinal Services:

•Diabetic Retinopathy

•Retinal Detachment/Tear

•Macular Degeneration

•Flashes and Floaters


Corneal Services:


•Corneal Transplants


•Fuchs' Dystrophy

•Punctum Plugs


Plastic Surgery:

•Eyelid Surgery


Cataract Services:

•Cataract Surgery

•Multifocal IOL Implants (ReSTOR)

•TORIC Lens Implants

•â€‹Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery (Lensx)

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​Astigmatism can be corrected with refractive surgery techniques that selectively reshape portions of an irregular cornea to make it smooth and symmetrical. The result is that images focus clearly on the retina rather than being distorted due to light scattering through an irregularly shaped cornea.


Cataract patients now have an option to see at both near and far distances after cataract surgery! Individuals suffering from cataracts previously had only a mono-focal lens implant option after surgery. NEW multi-focal IOL technology can now decrease dependence on glasses after surgery



The retina is the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of our eye. Light rays are focused onto the retina through our cornea, pupil and lens. The retina converts the light rays into impulses that travel through the optic nerve to our brain, where they are interpreted as the images we see.The doctors at Verdi Eye Specialists take great care in diagnosing and treating problems and disease of the retina including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachment.


Corneal Transplant

Corneal transplants are also referred to as Penetrating Keratoplasty (PKP) and corneal grafting.  This sight saving surgery involves replacing an eye's scarred, diseased or damaged cornea with clear corneal donor tissue. This procedure can improve visual acuity as it is replacing the cloudy cornea with clear donor tissue.Corneal transplant or DSAEK is suitable for those with corneal decomposition, corneal dystrophies (other than keratoconus) including Fuch’s Dystrophy, and corneal trauma/corneal scarring.The donor cornea is prepared to create the corneal"button". The corneal button will become the transplanted cornea. The diseased, or scarred, cornea is then removed, creating a"bed" for the transplant cornea. Finally, the donor cornea is gently sewn into place with ultra-fine sutures (approx. one-third the thickness of human hair, or less). Stitches are typically removed at one year.


Fuchs' dystrophy is a rare disorder that affects the cornea — the transparent front surface of your eye. Although the cause of Fuchs' dystrophy is unknown, it is often an inherited disorder.


Normally, the cells that line the back surface of the cornea prevent excess fluid from accumulating in the cornea. This helps the cornea maintain its transparency. But with Fuchs' dystrophy, those cells slowly deteriorate and die off. As a result, fluid builds up in the cornea. This may cause swelling, cloudy vision, pain and loss of corneal transparency.


Fuchs' dystrophy causes a variety of vision problems and can eventually lead to blindness.Early signs of Fuchs' dystrophy may be detected in people who are in their 30s and 40s. But most people don't experience symptoms or problems until they're in their 50s and 60s.

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3921 Granby St Norfolk, VA 23504

Tel: (757) 583-5826

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